Friday, January 18, 2008

CYMA MP5-J Airsoft Review

The CYMA MP5-J is an excellent airsoft gun. It has been sold for some time now, and buyers appear to be very pleased with them. They are known to be very reliable. As with most full size airsoft arms, they come across like their actual counter parts. While the CYMA MP5-J is not the most affordable product on the market, the price is really worth it. You will get your money's worth in quality, and other customers's recognition for your good taste. At 3.75 lbs , it is light enough for most people to carry onto the playing field. The beginning speed of the ammo at 120 fps is where most of the competition set their merchandise.

Upkeep of the CYMA MP5-J is quite straight forward. The only thing that you will need to do to keep this airsoft fire arm going is to maintain the hop-up device lubricated with silicone spray and and the barrel clean. The taking apart of the weapon is uncomplicated, but taking apart the gearbox is not advised unless you are convinced what you are up to.

Specifications of the CYMA MP5-J :

The CYMA MP5-J weighs 3.75 lbs . The length of this authentic looking airsoft gun is 23 - 28.5 inches. The clip holds a max of 110/22 rds rounds in it when it is filled up. For some weapons, greater capacity clips are also available, even ones that hold literally thousands bullets and have an electric motor in them to shoot the bullets inside the fire arm. The size of the bullet is the widely popular 6 mm . The initial speed of the bullet is 120 fps as it leaves the barrel. For most guns, upgrades are easily available, if not directly from the builder, from your neighborhood airsoft shop for a fee. The battery pack size required for this merchandise is a 4.8v 400mah battery pack. The CYMA MP5-J is also known as Electric operated airsoft fire arm.

Features of the CYMA MP5-J :

Operation: Electric, Ammo type: .12g, Length: 23 - 28.5 inches, Effective range: 60-80 feet, Muzzle velocity: 120 fps, Hop Up: Adjustable, Weight: 3.75 lbs, Magazine capacity: 110/22 rds, Battery: 4.8v 400mah, Comes with orange tip,

General information About airsoft:

Kinetic energy transfer is relatively minimal in airsoft compared to that of paintball. Some airsoft sites allow the use of pyrotechnics, which are small explosive-driven replicas of ordnance such as grenades. Depending on the muzzle velocity of the gun and distance from which a person is shooting, the person on the receiving end of the shot will usually feel the impact but the pellets will sometimes not be felt by a player at very long ranges, hence the importance of Marshals. Airsoft participants organize meetings, either indoors or outdoors, at dedicated airsoft battlefields to play a variety of games ranging from short-term skirmishes, organized scenarios, military simulations, or historical reenactments. Some custom guns can cost more than $2,500 USD.

A few words on airsoft safety:

Keep fingers away from the trigger and outside the trigger guard until ready to play. Airsoft player shooting from behind cover wearing goggles that fully seal the area around the eyes and a balaclava to protect the face. Backyard airsoft is illegal in some cities and has occasionally been the cause of incidents involving the police. Many fields also require players to leave their guns set to the safety position when they are not shooting, even during active gameplay.

Airsoft accessories:

Heavier rounds are used for sniping, because they are totally effective dependent on gun, used mainly for quality airsoft sniper rifles, (especially upgraded ones with powerful springs), have enough power to put the round where they want it, and the heavy rounds have greater mass and are less likely to move off-target due simply to air resistance. Most of these "pyro" devices are powered by a gas. Anti-tank weapons exist such as the M-72, but they are not common or popular due to their weight and greater expense.

Airsoft is very big on real life life like cenerios. Here are some thoughts on that:

MILSIM-games often last several days, for example the large BERGET-event in Sweden lasts 6 days in a row, with no breaks. Many Mil-Sim players choose to wear real gear (not an airsoft replica) and in some cases, real ballistic protective armor. Special rules are often incorporated into airsoft games in order to make basic games more interesting or to increase "longevity" with seasoned players.

1 comment:

Mike Marti said...

I know this is a older post but I have just recently got into air-soft. From what I have been told by teammates and my local shop owner the CYMA MP5 is one of the better Air Soft Weapons you can use.