Maintenance of the Classic Army CA36C is quite easy. The only thing that you will need to do to keep this airsoft rifle going is to keep the hop-up device greased with silicone spray and and the barrel clean. The taking apart of the weapon is easy, but taking apart the gearbox is not recommended unless you are convinced what you are up to.
Specifications of the Classic Army CA36C :
The Classic Army CA36C weighs 2744.0g . The length of the barrel on this genuine looking airsoft fire arm is 247mm . The inner diameter, or as most frequently known, the caliber of the barrel of the pistol is 6.08mm . The clip holds a max of 470 round ammo in it when it is filled up. For some weapons, larger capacity clips are also available, even ones that hold literally thousands bbs and have an electric motor in them to shoot the rounds inside the fire arm. The size of the bullet is the usual 6 mm . The starting speed of the ammo is 85-95 m/sec or 280.5 - 313.5 fps as it leaves the barrel. For most weapons, upgrades are facilely available, if not directly from the producer, from your neighborhood airsoft outlet for a fee. The battery pack size required for this merchandise is a Mini Type pack of batteries. The Classic Army CA36C is also known as AEG operated airsoft weapon.
Features of the Classic Army CA36C :
A033M Socom MK23 Silencer - Anticlockwise Inward Screw & A084M Double Screw Silencer can be used on CA36 Glass fiber body 7mm metal bushing gear box Folding stock. Hi-cap magazine (470Rd) Metal flash hider
General information On airsoft:
Some players even wear military-style helmets, such as the kevlar MICH helmet, or hydration systems, such as those manufactured by Camelbak. So, most airsoft guns typically fire 200-450 fps, since they are used outdoors for most operations, balancing good speed and range with energy generated. Kinetic energy transfer is relatively minimal in airsoft compared to that of paintball. Many airsoft guns, especially AEGs, come with small red plastic barrel blockers that fit over the muzzle, but these can be shot off the gun, and don't provide the quick visual check that a barrel bag does. The overall average for a high quality electric gun such as a Classic Army or Tokyo Marui, is around $200-$500 USD, depending on the model.
A few words about airsoft safety:
Note that this replica is not in use on a field, and therefore has the magazine removed (and the chamber cleared), and has a barrel bag placed over the muzzleWhen not actively playing, many fields require "barrel bags," which were first introduced in paintball. A player is required to keep their face mask/goggles/shooting glasses on at all times. Although airsoft guns operate on completely different principles from real firearms and are not lethal, basic airsoft safety should be followed to prevent the random chance of injury during play. There have been a few highly isolated cases of airsoft guns being mistaken for real firearms, and some cases where armed law enforcement units have responded to tips of unlawful firearm use.
Airsoft accessories:
Anti-tank weapons exist such as the M-72, but they are not common or popular due to their weight and greater expense. The hand grenades have many faults and therefore not as popular or common as grenade launchers like the M203 which launches a large number of pellets or foam slug rounds using green gas. The latest Airsoft grenades have much improved since their first introduction, TLSFX UK have done pioneering work in the development of much tougher grenades using rocket star burst shell cases, allowing them to be thrown much farther, ring pull fuses, and filling grenades with dry peas instead of paint balls or pellets, making them mostly biodegradable.
Airsoft is very big on authentic life like cenerios. Here are a few thoughts on that:
Special rules are often incorporated into airsoft games in order to make basic games more interesting or to increase "longevity" with seasoned players. Combat situations on the battlefield often involve the use of common military tactics to achieve the objectives set in each game. In larger scale MilSims vehicles as simple as painted vans and trucks will be used.
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