Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Border Collie - A great Dog for Anyone

This is an article on the excellent dog breed the Border Collie. Read about pedigree characteristics, action, health matters and more. Dogs make terrific companions, on the other hand finding the one right for you is a question. Having said that, it is hard to aspire wrong with the Border Collie. This dog scores high in the stature department. A lot of effort went onto developing this pedigree as we know it tright now. Some tail-wagger breeds develop behavioral questions largely as a resault inbreeding. It is not the case with the Border Collie as it posesses a fantastic temperament. Health matters may arise during the ownership of this breed (read more below), however a skilled vet ought to be more than prepared to deal with them. The Border Collie was fostered for very distinct causes. However lately they generally just serve as companions.

A few Words On The Originof puppys In General:

Some members of the family have "dog" in their common names, such as the Racoon dog and the African hunting dog. In breeding circles, a male canine is referred to as a dog, while a female canine is called a bitch. The father of a litter is called the sire, and the mother of a litter is called the dam. Based on DNA evidence, the wolf ancestors of modern dogs diverged from other wolves about 100,000 years ago,[2][3] and dogs were domesticated from those wolf ancestors about 15,000 years ago.

Generic Characteristics of the Border Collie:

The Border Collie originates from the livestock; herding family of pups. The pedigree first appeared in the historical records about 1800s. The place Dawn of this canine is Great Britain. The Border Collie was originally used for the following functions: sheep herding. Nowdays, customers mostly use them for sheep herding; herding trials; obedience. Some opposing uses of opposite lineages may incorporate the following: Guard dogs trained to protect property. Police dogs, typically German Shepherds, are trained to assist law enforcement officers. The war dog, used by the military to detect mines and enemy soldiers.. Their name may fluctuate from region to region, and they may add none.

The hight of the average male according to the international standards is 20-23, and they should punds around 30-45 to be considered a pure blooded Border Collie. The height for female Border Collies is around 18-21, and their punds comes in about 30-45.

GenericHealth Matters for pups:

Cooked bones are dangerous for dogs, because the heat of cooking changes their chemical and physical properties so that they cannot be chewed properly. Dogs frequently eat grass, which is a harmless activity. Gender-preservative surgeries such as vasectomy and tubal ligation are possible, but do not appear to be popular due to the continuation of gender-specific behaviors and disease risks. Internal parasites include hookworms, tapeworms, roundworms, and heartworms.

Specific Health Issues for The Border Collie:

The most important health issues related with the Border Collie are CHD. A few of the minor health concerns an owner of this pedigree may come accross may include: PRA; lens luxation; CEA; PDA; OCD; PPM. In addition, matters sometimes seen in the Border Collie may incorporate cerebellar abiotrophy; ceroid lipofuscinosis; deafness. However, this is not everyone that commonplace. It is advised to attain the following test(s) acquired for this pedigree of dog: hip; eye.

Border Collie is mandated to have a life span of on 10 – 14 years.

The Following Should be Said On their Temperament:

The border collie is a bundle of mental and physical energy awaiting its chance to be unleashed on the world; Among the most intelligent and obedient of breeds, it is nonetheless a disastrous house dog if it is not given a challenging job every day; Given sufficient exercise, it is a dependable and loyal companion; It is intent on whatever it does and tends to stare, which can be unnerving to other animals; It also likes to chase other animals; It is reserved, even protective, toward strangers

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